Epic Residencies

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The Epic Residencies project brings together three residency centres – Literary Residencies Košice, Gunnar Gunnarson Institute and Tou Scene – with the aim of creating new opportunities for connecting the literary scene in these countries and providing a space for concentrated work for authors from Slovakia, Norway and Iceland. In 2022 and 2023, a total of eight residencies for authors from Slovakia will take place – four in Norway and four in Iceland. In the same period, residencies will be held in Košice for four female authors from Norway and four male authors from Iceland. The cooperation between the residency centres is financially supported by the EEA grant scheme.

Applicants from Slovakia can apply for residencies in the following locations: the Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway and The Institute of Gunnar Gunnarsson, Egilsstadir, Iceland. Applicants from Norway and Iceland can apply for residencies in Košice. The residency program is open to authors of a wide range of literary genres (poetry, prose, literary essays, experimental work, screenwriting, etc.) and translators* of literature. The Epic Residencies project is built on the values of cross-cultural exchange, gender equality, the importance of minority experience, and the diversity of voices in literature.

The Epic Residencies project received a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants in the amount of 150 000 € and was co-financed in the amount of 22 000 € from the state budget of the Slovak Republic. The project aims at capacity building of partner organisations, inclusive education, intercultural exchange and audience building. To find out more about EEA Grants funded programmes and projects in Slovakia, please visit www.eeagrants.sk. All projects are 15% co-financed by the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

Read more information about the project in the published project contract: 1522/2021 | Register of projects (gov.sk)

The EEA Grants represent Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway’s contribution to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. They have two main objectives: reducing economic and social disparities in Europe, and strengthening mutual relations between the contributing countries and the 15 EU countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. The three contributing countries cooperate closely with the EU through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement. As donors, they have successively provided €3.3 billion through grant schemes between 1994 and 2014.

The EEA grants for the period 2014-2021 amount to €1.55 billion. The priorities for this period are:

#1 Innovation, research, education and competitiveness

#2 Social inclusion, youth employment and poverty eradication

#3 Environment, energy, climate change and low carbon economy

#4 Culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights

#5 Justice and Home Affairs EEA grants are jointly funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway according to their GDP.

Eligibility for these grants reflects the criteria set for the EU’s Cohesion Fund, which is intended for Member States with a gross national product (GNP) per capita below 90% of the EU average. All projects are co-financed by the State budget of the Slovak Republic at a rate of 15%.



Rezidenčné mestá

Tou, Stavanger (Nórsko)

Tou, Stavanger (Nórsko)

Kultúrne centrum Tou Scene v nórskom meste Stavanger je partnerom a nórskym rezidenčným centrom v rámci projektu rezidenčných výmen Epic residencies. Ide o najväčšie kultúrne centrum v Nórsku, ktoré sídli v jedinečnej budove s viac ako storočnou históriou. avné aktivity centra patria koncerty, umelecké výstavy a predstavenia s rôznym zameraním vrátane scénického umenia. V budove sa nachádza 31 ateliérov pre vizuálnych umelcov a 16 ateliérov či skúšobných priestorov pre hudobníkov a skladateľov.

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The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute v Skriduklaustur, odľahlej usadlosti na východe Islandu, je partnerom a islandským rezidenčným centrom programu rezidenčných výmen Epic residencies. Skriduklaustur je kláštorný komplex zo 16. storočia, ktorý bol v prvej polovici 20. storočia domovom islandského spisovateľa Gunnara Gunnarsona, a neskôr v týchto priestoroch vzniklo jeho múzeum.

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Literárne rezidencie Košice (Slovensko)

Literárne rezidencie Košice (Slovensko)

Literárne rezidencie Košice boli založené v roku 2021 ako rezidenčný program v Košiciach určený spisovateľom a spisovateľkám zo Slovenska a blízkeho regiónu. Rezidenčné priestory sa nachádzajú v Grosschmidtovom dome (sídle známeho košického advokáta z prelomu 19. a 20. storočia, Gejzu Grosschmidta) na Mäsiarskej ulici v Košiciach.

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Kristína Janačková

Tou (Stavanger, Nórsko)

Kristína Janačková


Thorvaldur S. Helgason

Literárne rezidencie Košice

Thorvaldur S. Helgason


Kristín Ómarsdóttir

Literárne rezidencie Košice

Kristín Ómarsdóttir


Jakub Juhás

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

Jakub Juhás


Michal Tallo

Tou (Stavanger, Nórsko)

Michal Tallo


Kajsa Balk-Møller

Literárne rezidenčné centrum (Košice)

Kajsa Balk-Møller


Anna Grusková

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

Anna Grusková


Gerður Kristný

Literárne rezidenčné centrum (Košice)

Gerður Kristný


Sive Hamilton Helle

Literárne rezidenčné centrum (Košice)

Sive Hamilton Helle


Miroslava Kuľková

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

Miroslava Kuľková


Kristína Karabová

Tou (Stavanger, Nórsko)

Kristína Karabová


Álvaro Seiça

Literárne rezidenčné centrum (Košice)

Álvaro Seiça


Valur Gunnarsson

Literárne rezidenčné centrum (Košice)

Valur Gunnarsson