Dvojročný projekt rezidenčných výmien Epic Residencies sme zavŕšili spoločnou prehliadkou

Dvojročný projekt rezidenčných výmien Epic Residencies sme zavŕšili spoločnou prehliadkou

Projekt Epic Residencies sme navŕšili prehliadkou literárnej tvorby vznikajúcej počas dvojročného cyklu rezidenčných výmen medzi Slovenskom, Islandom a Nórskom. Projekt Epic Residencies spája tri rezidenčné centrá: Literárne rezidencie Košice, Gunnar Gunnarson Institute a Tou Scene s cieľom vytvoriť nové možnosti pre prepájanie literárneho diania v týchto krajinách a poskytnúť priestor pre sústredenú tvorbu autorkám a … Continued

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Thorvaldur S. Helgason: Jazyk uzemňuje a ovplyvňuje všetko

Thorvaldur S. Helgason: Jazyk uzemňuje a ovplyvňuje všetko

 „Poézia možno nevytvorí veľkú titulku, ale jej život je dlhší,” zdôvodnil svoj vzťah k poézii islandský básnik a spisovateľ a náš júnový rezident Thorvaldur Sigurbjörn Helgason. O prozaickej prvotine, islandskej identite, záľube k mnohorakosti a odchode z Košíc sme sa porozprávali v posledný deň jeho literárnej rezidencie. Ako ste strávili svoj posledný deň v Košiciach? … Continued

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Gerður Kristný gave public readings in Košice and Bratislava

Gerður Kristný gave public readings in Košice and Bratislava

Gerður Kristný is one of Iceland’s leading contemporary authors, mainly working in poetry, journalism, and literature for children and young people. For the past two decades, she has produced a vast oeuvre, ranging from journalistic works on various subjects to nine volumes of poetry, for which she is best known internationally. For her modern poetical … Continued

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Anna Grusková screened her latest documentary at Skriðuklaustur

Anna Grusková screened her latest documentary at Skriðuklaustur

Anna Grusková, who has been in residency at the cultural centre Skriðuklaustur in East Iceland for the past four weeks, screened her latest documentary at the centre on Sunday the 5th March. The film „Woman of the New Era „tells the story of Dr. Alžbeta Gwerková Göllnerová (1905-1944), the Slovak pioneer of democracy for women, … Continued

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Literary Residencies Košice (Slovakia)

Literary Residencies Košice (Slovakia)

Literary residencies Košice is a new residency programme based in a cultural heritage building from the 18th century in the historical center of the city that also houses the Sándor Márai Museum dedicated to the work of the Hungarian writer and his brother, the film director Géza Radványi, whose family had rebuilt the house in … Continued

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Tou, Stavanger (Norway)

Tou, Stavanger (Norway)

Tou is a contemporary arts and culture centre in Stavanger, Norway. Tou are based in an old beer brewery, and it was once the largest company in Stavanger, employing thousands of people. Tou is first and foremost a meeting place between art and people. Tou knows that art is created where and when people meet … Continued

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The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Iceland)

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Iceland)

Klaustrid (the Monastery) is a residence for artists, writers and scholars, Icelandic or foreign. The residence is managed by The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute. It includes a small apartment in the unique mansion, Skriduklaustur, which was built in 1939 by the famous Icelandic writer Gunnar Gunnarsson and now houses a cultural center with exhibitions and activities. … Continued

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The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Skriduklaustur (Island)

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute v Skriduklaustur, odľahlej usadlosti na východe Islandu, je partnerom a islandským rezidenčným centrom programu rezidenčných výmen Epic residencies. Skriduklaustur je kláštorný komplex zo 16. storočia, ktorý bol v prvej polovici 20. storočia domovom islandského spisovateľa Gunnara Gunnarsona, a neskôr v týchto priestoroch vzniklo jeho múzeum.

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